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Election at AAUMeet the candidates AAU Elections 2024

Election at Aalborg University

Meet the student candidates for the University Board 2024

On this website you can see which candidates are standing for election to the University Board at AAU Elections 2024 - and you can read their candidate presentations, if any, by clicking on the candidates that are underlined.

Election at Aalborg University

Meet the student candidates for the University Board 2024

On this website you can see which candidates are standing for election to the University Board at AAU Elections 2024 - and you can read their candidate presentations, if any, by clicking on the candidates that are underlined.

Student candidates for the University Board 2024

Conservative students in Aalborg:
Aqqalooraq Henning Nielsen Møller
Natascha Ida Wegener

1. Jan Morten Philipp
2. Rosanna Viktoria Lindof
3. Taylor Samuel Sweka
4. Pierre Emil Mortensen
5. Ida Marie Lindschouw
6. Sebastian Martensen

Local Student Associations (coalition list)*

ADSL (Aalborgs Datalogiske Studenterlaug)*:
Jakob Topholt Jensen
Kresten Laust Faaborg Sckerl

Amalie Fosvang Agesen
Nicholas Mazur Hansen
Kirstine Schoenbaum
Daniel Sejr Vitagliano

Den Diskrete Forening*:
Ida Faarbæk Bugge

ESA ‐ Erhvervsøkonomisk Sammenslutning Aalborg*:
1. Elliott Joshua Spaabæk Baliti
2. Matthias Glerup Jørgensen

FADASE (The Association of Digitalization and Application Development Students and Alumni)*:
Samir Memic

Thomas Brandt Jacobsen

Johannes Nikolai Bjørklund

Foreningen for Erhvervsjurister og Jurister Aalborg (FEJ)*:
Ida Mikkelsen

Historisk Forening AAU*:
1. Frederik Løken Bjørshol
2. Jakob Andersen Thorgaard

SoFiA ‐ Social Science Association in Aalborg*:
Andrea Werner Iversen

Økonomernes forening (ØF)*:
Michael Gordon Willis‐Christensen

Regarding the election to the University Board

There are two seats for students on the University Board, and election is held for one of the seats every year.

For the election to the University Board the coalition list "Local Student Associations" has been established between 11 candidate lists (see the overview). This means that the coalition list corresponds to one list when the initial calculation of votes is made. Next, the votes are calculated for each list within the coalition list and finally between the list's own candidates.

Contact Us

The Election Secretariat or Election Support
The Election Secretariat
The Election Secretariat assists the Election Committee. We respond to questions concerning the academic and legal part of the election.

Contact the Election Secretariat at tel. +45 9940 7618 / +45 9940 7325 / +45 9940 7334 or email:

Election Support
Election Support responds to questions about the technical part of the election.

Election Support can be reached with problems about the technical part of the election at tel. +45 9940 2441 or email:
