We have created a template for a campaign poster that you can fill out, print, and hang up at the university starting November 12th.
You can find the template here.
The requirement for hanging campaign materials is prior registration of the hanging with Facility Support at facilitysupport@adm.aau.dk.
Please provide the following information:
- Name/organisation
- Email address
- Phone number
Registration can be done by student organisations or individuals. Alternatively, registration can take place at your local Facility Support on campus.
Facility Support will designate locations for posting and provide adhesives. Please note that election material must not be hung outside the locations designated by Facility Service and the type of adhesive provided must be used.
Please note that ALL campaign posters must be taken down no later than December 6th at 2:00 PM. If the materials are not removed on time, the university will send an invoice for cleaning costs.
Please also refer to: Regulations for campaign material for internal AAU elections to governing bodies